Dottorandi del XXXIX Ciclo


Jadranka Lara SABA (Tutor: Prof.ssa Roberta Fadda, Prof.ssa Chiara Fastame)

Jadranka Lara SABA

Jadranka Lara Saba is a Psychologist and a Psychodynamic Psychotherapist. She’s an expert in the evaluation and intervention in the field of Autism Spectrum Disorder, with specific expertise in a comprehensive intervention, including a cognitive approach, mindfulness, and elements of Applied Behavior Analysis.

She’s currently a Ph.D. student in “Philosophy, Epistemology, and Human Sciences” at the University of Cagliari, pursuing a research project entitled “The Digitalization of the Public Administration: Digitalization System for the Collection, analysis, and Monitoring of Quality and Effectiveness of the Integrated Education System for 0-6-year-olds”. The project aims to promote the dissemination of educational approaches based on the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) model for early identification of developmental trajectories and the inclusion of children with neurodevelopmental disorders. The project aims to define operational guidelines from the results of a series of experimental studies, developed to enhance the quality of the integrated 0-6 system in Italy.




Tiziana PIU (Tutor: Prof.ssa Roberta Fadda, Prof.ssa Maria Luisa Pedditzi)

Tiziana PIU

Tiziana Piu is a PhD student in Philosophy, Epistemology, Human Sciences at the University of Cagliari. She’s a developmental and educational psychologist, with a particular expertise in children care in early infancy. Her research project aims to integrate biophilic design within nurseries and preschool environments and to measure its impact on children well-being. Biophilia is the innate need to affiliate with nature. Natural elements in urban environments might promote attentive, cognitive and socio-emotional growth, and overall well-being.

The project will actively involve the community by disseminating the results and the educational materials that will be created for the purposes of this study.





Lucienne HUBY (Tutor: Prof.ssa Francesca Ervas, Prof. Pierluigi Graziani)

Lucienne HUBY

I am a PhD student in “Philosophy, Epistemology and Human Sciences” at the University of Cagliari. In 2019, I graduated with a BA in ‘Philosophy’ at the University of Trento under the supervision of Prof. Alessandro Palazzo and Prof. Irene G. Zavattero. Subsequently, in 2022, I obtained my MA in “Philosophy of Information. Theory and Knowledge Management” at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo with a thesis titled “Historical reflections on the development of semantic memories” supervised by Prof. Pierluigi Graziani and Prof. Alessandro Bogliolo. In my dissertation, I dealt with the concept of semantic memory from a historical, philosophical, psychological and computational point of view; the analysis focused mainly on the development of the computational models of memory that have been proposed since the second half of the 20th century. Throughout my academic career, I have developed an interest in research in the field of artificial intelligence in general and its use in various disciplinary areas, in particular, within neuroscience and psychology research.





Massimiliano MAMELI (Tutor: Prof.ssa Elisabetta Gola, Prof.ssa Francesca Ervas)

Massimiliano MAMELI

I am graduated in Economics and Business Administration, and then I am specialized in master’s degree International Management from Università degli Studi di Cagliari. My research interest is focused on the communication of the third sector. In particular, the ambition of this project is to understand if and how the digitalization process in the third sector and digital communication can represent a key element to reach a wider audience, involve supporters, increase awareness of the cause, and get more support.







Claudia PES (Tutor: Prof. Giuliano Vivanet, Dott.ssa Marta Pellegrini)

Claudia PES

She is a psychologist with an extensive professional experience. She has worked in over 50 schools in projects targeting the reduction of school dropout rates and the enhancement of well-being within educational institutions. Additionally, she has served as a trainer at the Regional Education Office (USR Sardegna). She possesses practical classroom experience. This includes both teaching Philosophy and Human Sciences as a Secondary School Teacher and also serving as a tutor for the Educational Technology Laboratory at the Primary Education Sciences program (University of Cagliari). Her research interests revolve around student motivation, school climate, and the integration of new technologies in education. Her ongoing Ph.D. project involves a review of national and international studies on interventions addressing school dropout with a specific focus on the effects on student psychological factors (e.g., motivation). It also includes the investigation of policies and practices addressing school dropout, particularly at national and regional level and a data collection from the local stakeholders, in order to design a school dropout prevention program.




Carlo CUCCU (Tutor: Giuseppe Sergioli, Roberto Giuntini, Gian Luca Marcialis)


I achieved my Master’s degree in Computer Science at the University of Cagliari, with a thesis entitled “Deepfake detection with frequency temporal information”. From September 2019 to September 2023, I collaborated with the Pattern Recognition and Applications Laboratory of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the University of Cagliari, focusing on research areas like biometrics and computer vision, but in particular on the phenomenon of “deepfakes” (facial manipulations synthesised with AI) and on the study of robust and effective “deepfake detection” methods with respect to the evolution and qualitative improvement of forgeries. The aim of my PhD project is the development and implementation of algorithms in the field of quantum mechanics and quantum-inspired machine learning. In particular, the focus will be on investigating new techniques for multi-class classification and exploring the potential of quantum-inspired AI and quantum AI algorithms in real-world scenarios where classical algorithms are challenged in terms of accuracy and robustness.


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