Visiting PhD Students


Maria SANZ TAUS (Universitat Jaume 1, Spain) June-July 2024 – Referente UniCa: Prof.ssa Elisabetta Gola

 This investigation aims to analyze the metaphorical manifestations related to the theme of women’s empowerment through the analysis of a series of pictorial works by contemporary artists born in Spain.  Feminism has become especially relevant in all social spheres, particularly in creative, cultural, and artistic manifestations (Reckitt, 2001). Indeed, art has been used as a visible platform for women to express their identity, contributing to strengthening female empowerment. This identity is manifested symbolically on many occasions through the use of metaphors (Mayayo, 2003). From a cognitive linguistics perspective, we intend to explore a series of metaphors related to women through the analysis of the selected artworks using VISMIP (a procedure for identifying metaphors in still images (Sorm & Steen, 2018). We illustrate how visual metaphor operates as a key element in the artists’ creative process and functions as a bridge of artistic expression and communication between artists and the public.


Joao ALVES MACIEL NETO (Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brasil) June-December 2024 – Referente UniCa: Prof. Vinicio Busacchi

I graduated in Psychology and pursued my Master’s degree in History and Philosophy of Psychology at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil. My current Ph.D. research is titled “Sándor Ferenczi’s metapsychological contributions to understanding psychic development”. Since the decade of 1980, when Sándor Ferenczi’s works were rediscovered and translated into several languages, the clinical innovations proposed by the author have undergone a reevaluation due to the challenges faced by contemporary psychoanalytical practice. His clinical propositions focused primarily on the role of the analyst, trauma, transference, and the relationship between the individual and the environment. However, the metapsychological dimension of his clinical and theoretical thinking has remained understudied. Therefore, this project aims to thoroughly reassess Ferenczi’s metapsychological theorization and his contributions to understanding psychic development, as well as to shed new light on his place in the history and development of psychoanalysis.


Mateusz STRZALKOWSKI (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland) October 2024-February 2025 – Referente UniCa: Prof. Ferdinando Fornara

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