Pubblicazioni dei Dottorandi XXXVIII
Pubblicazioni dei Dottorandi XXXVIII ciclo (2023-2026)
Dr. Mostafa Saeed Mohamed Abdelmaqsoud
- Porru M.C., Hassan S.B.M., Abdelmaqsoud M.S.M., Vacca A., Da Pelo S., Coppola A. (2024) Using index and physically-based models to evaluate the intrinsic groundwater vulnerability to non-point source pollutants in an agricultural area in Sardinia (Italy). Frontiers in Water, 6, 1399170. doi: 10.3389/frwa.2024.1399170.
Dr. Francesco AMADIO
- Amadio F., Pioli L., Scollo S. (2024) Constraining proximal grainsize distribution of tephra from paroxysmal eruptions at Etna volcano. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 454, 108164. doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2024.108164.
Dr.ssa Giulia CALDERISI
- Fenu G., Calderisi G., Cogoni D. (2024) Threatened or poorly known? The case of the Mediterranean narrow endemic Valeriana amazonum in Sardinia. Oryx, 58(3), 363–366. doi: 10.1017/S0030605323001722.
- Calderisi G., Cogoni D., Fenu G. (2024) Assessing beach litter trapping efficiency in Mediterranean sandy coasts: A comparative study between typical and invaded embryonic dunes. Regional Studies in Marine Science 74, 103532. doi: 10.1016/j.rsma.2024.103532
- Rossetti I., Calderisi G., Cogoni D., Fenu G. (2024) Post-Fire Vegetation (Non-)Recovery across the Edges of a Wildfire: An Unexplored Theme. Fire, 7, 250. doi: 10.3390/fire7070250.
- Cogoni D., Calderisi G., Collu D., Fenu G. (2024) Tourist Trampling on a Peripheral Plant Population Restricted to an Urban Natural Area in the Capo Sant’Elia Promontory (Sardinia,W-Mediterranean Basin). Plants, 13, 881. doi:10.3390/plants13060881
- Calderisi G., Cogoni D., Loni A., Fenu G. (2023) Difference between invasive alien and native vegetation in trapping beach litter: a focus on typical sandy beach of W-Mediterranean basin. Marine pollution bullettin 192, 115065. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.115065
- Fenu G., Calderisi G., Boršić I., Bou Dagher Kharrat M., García Fernández A., Kahale R., Panitsa M., Cogoni D. (2023) Translocations of threatened plants in the Mediterranean Basin: current status and future directions. Plant Ecology. doi: 10.1007/s11258-023-01303-7.
Dr.ssa Benedetta GORI
- Condé N., Burton G., Touré M., Gori B., Cheek M., Magassouba S., Wilkin P., Couch C., Ryan P. (2024) The biocultural heritage and changing role of indigenous yams in the Republic of Guinea, West Africa. Plants People Planet. 1–15; doi: 10.1002/ppp3.10498
- Burton G., Gori B., Camara S., Ceci P., Condé N., Couch C., Magassouba S., Vorontsova M.S., Ulian T., Ryan P. (2024) Landrace diversity and heritage of the indigenous millet crop fonio (Digitaria exilis): Socio-cultural and climatic drivers of change in the Fouta Djallon region of Guinea. Plants People Planet. 1–15; doi: 10.1002/ppp3.10490
Dr. Seyedmehdi HOSSEINI
- Hosseini S., Carucci A., Armas C., Pous N., Puig S., Milia S. (2024). Effect of applied current on simultaneous bioelectrochemical denitrification and desalination of groundwater, Proceedings SIDISA 2024 XII International Symposium on Environmental Engineering Palermo, Italy, October 1 – 4, 2024, pp. 112-115
Dr. Alessio LAI
- Pinna F., Grosso B., Lai A., Bouarour O., Armas C., Serci M., Dentoni V. (2024) Design, Validation and CFD Modeling of an Environmental Wind Tunnel. Atmosphere, 2024, 15(1), 77. doi: 10.3390/atmos15010077
- Bouarour O., McNabola A., Grosso B., Considine B., Lai A., Pinna F., Dentoni V. (2024) 3D numerical simulation of airflow structure and dust emissions from an open storage pile behind a dynamic solid fence-deflector. Atmospheric Environment: X, 2024, 21, 100245. doi: 10.1016/j.aeaoa.2024.100245
- Dentoni V., Lai A., Pinna F., Cigagna M., Massacci G., Grosso B. (2023) A comprehensive methodology for the visual impact assessment of mines and quarries. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 102, 107199. doi: 10.1016/j.eiar.2023.107199
Dr.ssa Silvia MACIS
- Maccioni A., Macis S., Gibernau M., Farris E. (2023) Phytochemical diversity within and among Sardinian populations of the endemic Teucrium marum L. (Lamiaceae) is determined by ecological factors. Heliyon 9, e17728. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e17728
Dr.ssa Melinda MANDARESU
- Tamburini E., Mandaresu M., Lussu R., Sergi S., Vitali F., Carucci A., Cappai G. (2023) Metal phytostabilization by mastic shrub (Pistacia lentiscus L.) and its root-associated bacteria in different habitats of Sardinian abandoned mining areas (Italy). Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. Inter. 30(58), 122107–122120; doi: 10.1007/s11356-023-30776-2
- Mandaresu M., Dessì L., Lallai A., Porceddu M., Boi M.E., Bacchetta G., Pivetta T., Lussu R., Ardu R., Pinna M., Meloni F., Sanjust E., Tamburini E. (2023) Helichrysum microphyllum subsp. tyrrhenicum, its root-associated microorganisms, and wood chips represent an integrated green technology for the remediation of petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated soils. Agronomy 13, 812. doi: 10.3390/agronomy13030812
Dr. Lorenzo SEDDA
- Sedda L., De Giudici G.B., Fancello D., Podda F., Naitza S. (2024) Unlocking Strategic and Critical Raw Materials: Assessment of Zinc and REEs Enrichment in Tailings and Zn -Carbonate in a Historical Mining Area (Montevecchio, SW Sardinia). Minerals 14, 3; doi: 10.3390/min14010003.