Jan 252014


Please have a look on the website of the University of Cagliari: Phd program.

Here the General Regulations: Rules and Regulations.

The reference Office is: Settore dottorati e master (Campus Aresu, via San Giorgio 12, Cagliari, open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9:00-12:00. E-mail: dottoratiemaster@unica.it – Responsible Officer: Dr. Monica Melis, phone: +39 070 675 6494 – Collaborators: Dr. Stefania Angioni, phone: +39 070 675 6492; Dr. Antonella Cadoni, phone: +39 070 675 6491; Dr. Roberta Leu, phone: +39 070 675 6459

 Posted by on 25 January 2014  News  Comments Off on Informations and Regulations
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