Lug 082024

La coordinatrice del corso di Dottorato in Scienze Economiche e Aziendali dell’Università degli Studi di Cagliari è lieta di annunciare che il Dott. Matteo Opizzi ha ricevuto il prestigioso Premio ASSIOA per la Miglior Tesi di Dottorato sui temi dell’Organizzazione Aziendale per l’edizione 2024. La sua tesi, “Doctoral students in the entrepreneurial university: an untapped potential?”, esplora il ruolo cruciale dei dottorandi nell’imprenditorialità accademica. Analizzando la relazione tra motivazioni personali e supporto istituzionale, il lavoro evidenzia come i dottorandi possano fungere da ponte tra università e società, arricchendo la letteratura sull’imprenditorialità accademica e promuovendo la terza missione dell’università.
Il premio ASSIOA, conferito dall’Associazione Italiana di Organizzazione Aziendale, rappresenta un importante riconoscimento a livello nazionale e testimonia l’eccellenza della ricerca condotta dal Dott. Opizzi sotto la guida del suo tutor scientifico, Prof.ssa Michela Loi, e del nostro collegio di dottorato. Questo premio sottolinea l’impegno dell’Università degli Studi di Cagliari nel promuovere ricerche di alta qualità e nel supportare i giovani ricercatori nel loro percorso accademico.
Congratulazioni al Dott. Matteo Opizzi per questo meritato riconoscimento e per aver portato lustro al nostro dipartimento e all’intera comunità accademica.


 Posted by on 8 Luglio 2024  Senza categoria  Commenti disabilitati su Premio ASSIOA di Miglior Tesi di Dottorato all’Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Nov 232020



“On June 30th FARSIG from the British Accounting and Finance has awarded the Sue Hrasky Scholarship Award to our Phd student Mariem Khalfaoui for the best research project presented to the annual international doctoral colloquium. Mariem Khalfaqui, who is attending her first year in our Phd programme under the suprvision of prof. Andrea Melis, has presented her research project on the empirical analysis of the design and disclosure issues related to the integration of sustainability-criteria in the executive compensation contracts in larged listed corporations.”

“Lo scorso 30 giugno il FARSIG della British Accounting and Finance Association, l’accademia britannica di ragioneria e finanza, ha attribuito il Sue Hrasky Scholarship Award alla dottoranda Mariem Khalfaoui per il miglior progetto di dottorato presentato all’annuale doctoral colloquium internazionale. La dottoranda, al primo anno di dottorato sotto la supervisione del prof. Andrea Melis, ha presentato un progetto di ricerca sull’analisi empirica delle problematiche di design ed informazione esterna dei contratti incentivanti basati su indicatori di sostenibilità ambientale e sociale per gli amministratori delegati delle aziende quotate.”

Monday, November 23
11.30 CET. Per Krusell (Stockholm University): Sources of U.S. wealth inequality.
Host: Aix Marseille School of Economics.
Zoom link: Click here.
Zoom link: join here.
12.30 CET. Thierry Magnac (TSE, Toulouse): Lifecycle Wages: Selection and Missing Data.
Host: Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
Zoom link: click here.

12.45 CET. John Clegg (University of Chicago): Carceral Legacy of Slavery.
Host: Dondena Center at Bocconi.
Zoom link: join here.

13.00 Amsterdam time. ESA’s job-market candidates’ seminar.
Host: ESA.
Cornelius Schneider (University of Cologne): The Bright Side of Tax Evasion. Discussant: Rupert Sausgruber.
Rémi Suchon (Université Libre de Bruxelles): It does (not) get better: expected income violation and altruism. Discussant: Arno Riedl.
Zoom link: click on this link (passcode esajobtalk)
13.00 Saint Petersburg time (11.00 in Rome). Ralph Ossa (University of Zurich): Are Trade Agreements Good for You?
Host: HSE.
Zoom link: join here.
13.45 CET. Ruben Durante (Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona): The Virus of Fear: The Political Impact of Ebola in the U.S.
Zoom link: join here (password Q6vB2R Raum-ID 3216879030)
15.00 CET. Margarita Tsoutsoura (Cornell University): The Labor Costs of Pro-Labor Bias in Bankruptcy: Evidence from Brazil.
Zoom link: join here (password: 784226 Room-ID 588 324 0719)

Host: Virtual MD Seminar Series.

Zoom link: register here.
16.00 CET. Raquel Fernandez (New York University): Girls, Boys, and High Achievers.
Host: CEPR / Stockholm University: Gender Economics Seminar Series.
Zoom link: Click Here to Join.
16.30 CET. Eleonora Patacchini (Cornell): Dynamic Social Interactions and Health Risk Behavior.
Host: Virtual Seminar on the Economics of Risky Health Behaviors (VERB).
Zoom link: click here (passcode VERB).
Host: LSE
Zoom link: register here.
17.30 CET. Kirsten Slungaard Mumma (Harvard University): Immigrant Integration in the United States: The Role of Adult English Language Training.
Host: Economics of Migration Seminar.
Zoom link: register here.
Tuesday, November 24
Host: Banque de France.
Zoom link: register here.
12.45 CET. Takuro Yamashita (Toulouse School of Economics): Robust Prediction in Games with Uncertain Parameters.
Host: Bocconi Department of Economics.
Zoom link: by invitation: for information or to receive the invitation link contact
13.00 London time (14.00 in Rome). Sin Yi Cheung (Cardiff University): The Violence of Uncertainty: how asylum waiting time undermines refugees’ health.

Host: LSE.

Zoom link: register here.
Host: Barcelona GSE Applied Economics Seminar Series.
Zoom link: join here.
Host: Economics Department of the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS).
Zoom link: register here.
14.30 CET. Dmitry Kuvshinov (UPF-Barcelona GSE): A Long Way Down: Bank Capital and Profitability, 1870 – 2015.
Host: Barcelona GSE Finance Seminar Series.
Zoom link: join here.
Host: Universitat de Barcelona School of Economics.
Zoom link: register here.
Host: University of Bologna Department of Economics.
Zoom link: click here.
15.15 CET. Juliane Begenau (Stanford University): Do Banks Have an Edge?
Zoom link: join here (password: 660072 Zoom room ID: 9840371383)


15.30 CET. Andrés Daniel Pluas Lopez (Universität Mannheim): Legal or Illegal Cannabis? Hard Drugs Access and Use.
Zoom link: join here.

16.30 CET. Arieda Muco (Central European University): Corruption, Intimidation, and Whistleblowing: An Empirical Approach.
Host. Bocconi Department of Social and Political Sciences.
Zoom link: By invitation: for information or to receive the invitation link contact

17.00 CET. Vitantonio Mariella (Sapienza University of Rome): Tenancy contracts and social capital at the origins of the North-South divide in Italy.
Host: YSI – Economic History Graduate Webinar.
Zoom link: join here.
Host: CEPR Virtual Development Webinars.
Zoom link: register here.

17.00 CET. Michael Woodford (Columbia University): Optimally Imprecise Memory and Biased Forecasts.

Zoom link: join here (password VIBES).
Zoom link: Join here (webinar password: 007080)
18.00 UK time (19.00 in Rome). Flavio Toxvaerd (University of Cambridge): Economics and the Epidemic: Models, Behaviour and Policy.
Host: Clare College, University of Cambridge.
Zoom link: register here.
Wednesday, November 25

11.00 EDT (17.00 in Rome). Leandro Prados de la Escosura (Carlos III Madrid): Growth, war and pandemics: Europe in the very long-run.

Zoom link: register here.
12.00 AEDT (2.00 in Rome). Mohammad Akbarpour (Stanford): Just a Few Seeds More:Value of Network Information for Diffusion.

Zoom link: register here.

Host: Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
Zoom link: click here.
Host: Bocconi Department of Finance.
Zoom link: to receive the invitation link for the online streaming, please contact
13.00 CET. Mariapia Mendola (University of Milan Bicocca): The Political Impact of Refugee Migration: Evidence from the Italian Dispersal Policy.
Host: University of Pavia Department of Economics.
Zoom link: contact
13.00 CET. Ovielt Baltodano (Ca’ Foscari): A Dynamic Stochastic Block Model for the International Trade Network.
Host: Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
Zoom link: click here.

Host: Barcelona GSE Internal Applied Lunch Seminar Series.

Zoom link: join here.
13.00 Toronto time (19.00 in Rome). Sumegha Garg (Harvard): The Coin Problem with Applications to Data Streams.
Host: TCS+ online seminars in theoretical computer science.
Zoom link: join here.
Host: Universitat de Barcelona School of Economics.
Zoom link: join here.

14.00 CET. Sonia Bhalotra (University of Essex): Job Displacement, Unemployment Benefits and Domestic Violence.

Host: University of Copenhagen Department of Economics.
Zoom link: contact Casper Worm Hansen for Zoom link.
Zoom link: register here.


Zoom link: register here.
Host: University of Siena Department of Economics.
16.00 CET. Shabnam Mousavi (Max Planck Institute for Human Development – Berlin): Agent, Path, Outcome: framing Individual and collective action in our models.
Host: University of Milan Bicocca.
Webex link: join here.

16.00 CET. Raffaella Sadun (Harvard Business School): The Changing Nature of the C-suite Job: Evidence from Job Descriptions.
Host: ONLINE Economics Research Seminar at JKU Linz.

Zoom link: register here.
16.00 CET. Andre Veiga (Imperial College Business School): Quality Information and Competitive Selection in Health Care.
Zoom link: register here.
Host: University of Milan Bicocca.
Webex link: join here.
17.30 CET. Madeline Zavodny (University of North Florida): Immigration, Working Conditions, and Compensating Differentials.
Zoom link: register here.

Host: Barcelona GSE Bellaterra Macro Seminar.

Zoom link: contact
Thursday, November 26

11.00 CET. Bayram Cakir (PSE): Automation, Skill Premium and Factor Shares: Labor Will Be Back.
Host: PSE Macro Workshop.
Zoom link: join here.

12.15 Oslo time. Andrea Martinangeli (Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance): Institutional quality causes social trust: Survey and experimental evidence on trusting under the shadow of doubt.
Host: Norwegian School of Economics FAIR Seminar.
Zoom link: register here.

12.30 CET. Maria Petrova (Barcelona GSE): Automation, Career Values, and Political Preferences.
Host: Paris Empirical Political Economy Seminar.

Zoom link: please contact the organizers Oliver Vanden Eynde (PSE) and Benjamin Marx (Sciences Po).
Zoom link: by invitation: for information contact

14.00 CET. Sylvain Dejean (U. La Rochelle): Ideological Isolation in News Consumption: Evidence From France.
Host: Paris Seminar on the Economics of Digitization.

Zoom link: subscribe here.

14.30 London time (15.30 in Rome). Anisha Ghosh (McGill University): Recovering Heterogeneous Beliefs and Preferences from Asset Prices.
Host: QRFE Webinar at Durham University.

Zoom link: register here.

Host: Digital Development Dialogue (3D).

Zoom link: subscribe here.

15.00 CET. Eeva Mauring (University of Bergen): Sequential Search with Limited Price Discrimination.

Zoom link: register here.
16.00 UK time (17.00 in Rome). Nicolas Lambert (MIT): The Power of Referential Advice.
Zoom link: register here.

16.30 CET. Natalya Naumenko (George Mason University): The Soviet Great Famine, 1932–33.
Host: EIEF.
Zoom link: email

16.30 CET. Town Oh (Purdue University): How do High-skilled International Students Impact Domestic Students? An analysis using the post OPT-STEM Extension period.
Host: Applied Young Economists Seminar
Zoom link: register here.
17.00 Kyiv time (16.00 in Rome). Pawel Bukowski (LSE): Social Mobility and Social Regimes: Intergenerational Mobility in Hungary, 1949-2017.

Host: Kyiv School of Economics.

Zoom link: register here.

17.00 CET. Irene M. Buso (LUISS): The Show Must Go On. How to elicit Lablike Data on the effects of COVID-19 lockdown on fairness and cooperation.
Host: Società Italiana degli Economisti.
Zoom link: register here.

Zoom link: contact
Friday, November 27
11.00 Saint Petersburg time(9.00 in Rome). Sascha O. Becker (Monash): Why an EU Referendum? Why in 2016?

Host: HSE.
Zoom link: join here.

12.30 CET. Jean-Marc Robin (Sciences Po): The Anatomy of Sorting – Evidence from Danish Data.

Host: Sciences Po.
Zoom link: click here.

12.30 CET. Piero Gottardi (University of Essex and Ca’ Foscari): Mediation design.
Host: Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
Zoom link: click here.
15.00 CET. Tarik Roukny (KU Leuven): Vertically Disintegrated Platforms.
Host: Louvain Economics of Digitization (LED) Seminars.
Zoon link: register here.
Host: CEPR Household Finance Seminar Series.
Zoom link: register here.

15.00 CET. Silvana Tenreyro (London School of Economics): Dominant Currency and the Impact of Monetary Policy.
Host: PSE and Banque de France.
Webex link: register here.

Host: University of Tor Vergata Riccardo Faini CEIS Seminars.
Zoom link: register here.
16.00 CET. Pietro Veronesi (University of Chicago): Self-image Bias and Lost Talent.
Host: Bocconi Department of Finance.
Zoom link: In order to receive the invitation link for the online streaming, please contact
16.00 UK time (17.00 in Rome). Karin Kinnerud (Norwegian Business School): Monetary policy and the mortgage market.
Host: University of Essex Department of Economics.
Zoom link: To register your place and gain access to the webinar, please contact the seminar organisers.
17.00 CET. Georgios Tsiachtsiras (Universitat de Barcelona): Rails and innovation: Evidence from China.
Host: Universitat de Barcelona School of Economics.
Zoom link: please contact Ghizlen Ouasbaa by November 26th, 2020.
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