


Upon approval by the Board of the PhD School, PhD students can attend lectures of the Laurea Magistrale in Fisica (Click here to see the list). Beside the activated Corsi Seminariali (Click here to see the list), the PhD School can offer some specific courses and some common courses, which will enrich the background of the PhD students, being focused on soft skills. Surely, the program of the lecturing activities will be updated according to Covid-related conditions.

Finally, several seminars will be offered by the Department of Physics and by the Research Institutes.

The next mini course is:

  • EU Fund Rising and Project Planning
    Roberto Di Quirico (Dipartimento d’Ingegneria meccanica, chimica e dei materiali, Cagliari)
    November 16, 2020-May 20, 2021
    Click here to see the Program

The next seminar is

Past seminars:

Planed specific courses:

  • An introduction to the atomistic simulations of hybrid nanomaterials
    Alessandro Mattoni (CNR, Istituto Officina dei Materiali, Unità di Cagliari)
    Click here to see the Program

Common courses:




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