Offerta formativa 2021-2022




2. FROM QUANTUM STRUCTURE TO QUANTUM LOGIC – Dott. Davide Fazio (20 hrs). The schedule of the course is available HERE.

First lesson: Friday 04.03.2022, h. 14,  Aula 13 (Corpo Centrale), Facoltà di Studi Umanistici Sa’ Duchessa, Via Is Mirrionis, 1, 09123 Cagliari (CA).


3. INTRODUCTION TO ALGEBRAIC LOGIC – Dott. Michele Pra Baldi (20 hrs). The schedule of the course is available HERE.

First lesson: 1st March. Zoom link HERE. For information:


4. TEMI DI FILOSOFIA E FONDAMENTI DELLA MATEMATICA – Dott. Claudio Ternullo (16 hrs). The schedule of the course is available HERE.

Lecture 1. Logicism and Formalism

Lecture 2. Deductivism, Hilbert’s Programme and Intuitionism

Lecture 3. Incompleteness

Lecture 4. Cantorian Set Theory

Lecture 5. Axiomatic Set Theory, Independence and New Axioms

Lecture 6. Alternative Conceptions of the Infinite

Lecture 7. The Issue of Realism



5. LE TEORIE DELLA VERITA’ – Dott. Pietro Salis (20 hrs). Il corso ha subito una modifica di calendario. Trovate QUI la scheda aggiornata.

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