Feb 072020

Open lecture / lezione aperta
Tuesday 11 February 2020,  9.00-10.00
Claudio Paniconi, INRS-ETE, Université du Québec, Quebec City, Canada

Open lecture / lezione aperta
Tuesday 11 February 2020, 9.00-10.00
Aula Z (ingresso Via Is Malias), Facoltà di Ingegneria e Architettura, Via Marengo 2, Cagliari



Integrated, process-based based numerical models in hydrology and connected disciplines (ecohydrology, hydrometeorology, hydrogeomorphology, biogeochemistry, hydrogeophysics, etc) are rapidly evolving, spurred by advances in computer technology, numerical algorithms, and environmental observation, and by the need to better understand the potential impacts of population, land use, and climate change on water and other natural resources.

At the catchment scale, simulation models are commonly based on conservation principles for surface and subsurface water flow and mass transport, and need to be resolved by robust numerical techniques. Model development through the years has continually faced physical and numerical challenges arising from various factors (heterogeneity, nonlinearities, scale effects, poorly known boundary conditions, etc).

This talk will provide an historical perspective on some of the key developments in physically based hydrological modeling, examining how these various challenges have been addressed and providing some insight on future directions as catchment modeling enters a highly interdisciplinary era.


Claudio Paniconi is professor at the Faculty of the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Centre Eau Terre Environnement (INRS-ETE), an interdisciplinary graduate studies institute that is part of the University of Quebec network. He obtained his undergraduate degree from the University of Waterloo in Canada and his PhD from Princeton University in the U.S. His main research areas are in the physics and numerics of coupled (surface and subsurface, flow and transport) hydrological processes. He is a co-developer of several well-known simulation models including CATHY (CATchment HYdrology), CODESA (COupled variable DEnsity and SAturation), and hsB (hillslope-storage Boussinesq). He has extensive experience in international research and has led modeling studies that have addressed challenges such as climate change, seawater intrusion, and ecohydrological dynamics.
He is member of the Academic board of the PhD programme in Civil Engineering and Architecture at the University of Cagliari.


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