XXXV Ciclo

Stefano BoiCorrado Cicalo'Alice Muon Spectrometer Upgrade
Michela GarauAlessandro CardiniLaboratory characterization of 3D-trench silicon pixels and beam test data analysis
Andrea LampisAlessandro CardiniCharacterization of TimeSPOT 3D trench-based silicon pixel detectors with a laser-based setup
Roman LitvinovRudolf Oldeman/Giulia MancaProduction of double charm in pPb and PbPb collisions at LHCb
Luca MaxiaUmberto D'Alesio/Cristian PisanoJ/ψ production in hadronic collisions as a probe of the 3D structure of the proton
Sara MulasAndrea Possenti/Alberto Pellizzoni/Elise EgronStudy for the scientific development of the Sardinia Radio Telescope/SDSA configured for solar observations and radio-science aimed at Space Weather and Fundamental Physics applications
Chiara OllaCarlo Maria CarbonaroExperimental characterization and computational modelling of Carbon Dots for optoelectronic applications
Riccardo PauMichele SabaHybrid Perovskites for solar cells
Francesca Assunta PisuCarlo Maria Carbonaro/Daniele ChiriuStudy on the conservation and degradation processes of pigments and binders applied in the field of Cultural Heritage
Matteo TruduAndrea Possenti/Maura PiliaDetection of Fast Radio Bursts using Artificial Intelligence
Franca Chika UgboPier Carlo RicciSustainable development of new phosphors for photonic applications
contatti | accessibilità Università degli Studi di Cagliari
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