Apr 062022

Lisbon, 13-21 May 2022


Lisbon, 13-21 May 2022

Abandoned on the coast as skeletons, bunkers are the last theatrical gesture in the history Western military architecture (Virilio, 1975). Technically obsolete, these defensive structures have fallen into extinction and are now generally forgotten. The specific topic of the workshop, organised by Lusófona University of Lisbon in collaboration with the University of Cagliari, will be the Plan Barron of Defense of Lisbon and Setúbal, a mid-twentieth-century set of bunkers, deprived of their function in 1999 and currently with no heritage classification. The Plan Barron will be taken as a case study to discuss the future of this type of heritage facing climate crisis: can oblivious super-resistant war architecture have an opportunity to a new cycle to fight climate emergency? The aim of the workshop is to understand, debate and propose solutions to this question in nine days of work in site in the third bunker (Bataria da Lage) of Plan Barron. The proposal is to investigate military architecture and to critically think about bunker landscapes, with the mingle of military and academic fields and the help of local population, central politics and local stakeholders. The workshop will gather students from second and third cycles that will be divided in groups to propose a future scenario for the case study, helped by mentors, academics and scholars. Furthermore, a set of specialists will participate to increase the completeness and the multidisciplinary of the proposals.


Cost of participation

Registration fee is 230 € and includes all lunches, site visits, closing dinner, 9 nights at HI Oeiras – Pousada de Juventude.


How to register

For further information and to notify your interest in participation write to prof. Donatella Rita Fiorino (scientific referent, email donatella.fiorino@unica.it) and to dr. Giulia Cherchi (organizing contact giulia.cherchi26@gmail.com).






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