Oct 152022

18-20 October 2022


Seminar by Balázs Kulcsá (Associate professor – University of Debrecen – Faculty of Engineering – Department of Basic Technical Studies)

With contributions by Emilio Ghiani (DIEE – UniCA), Ginevra Balletto, Luigi Mundula, Mara Ladu, Alessandra Miles (DICAAR – UniCA) and Giuseppe Borruso DEAMS; UniTS)



Opening seminar: Tuesday, October 18 from 9 to 11 a.m.

Aula Mocci-DIEE, Streaming: bit.ly/Spatial_energy_planning- various location audience)

Title: Energy and territory, between past and future

Introduction (Debrecen city, University of Debrecen, Faculty of Engineering)
Complex approach (Dissemination of a complex approach in the engineering education. My educational tool is the Engineering Geography, which consists of three courses: Earth-system, Global Environmental Problems and Solutions, and Global Energy)
Contact of Hungarian energy system the renewable potentials and self-sufficiency settlements.
Renewable energy sources and water management with complex ecosystem services.


Tuesday, October 18 from 11 a.m. to 14 p.m.

Aula Mocci and Streaming bit.ly/Spatial_energy_planning

Global energy reserves and potential in particular focus to the European energy crisis.
Fossil fuel technologies (carbon, crude oil, natural gas, nuclear, and waste).
Renewable energy technologies I. (zero emission technologies: solar, wind, hydro, tidal, wave, and geothermal).
Renewable energy technologies II. (biomass, biogas, landfill gas, sewage gas, firewood, and pellet).


Thursday, October 20 from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Aula Mocci-DIEE and Streaming; bit.ly/Spatial_energy_planning

Climate change and its consequences (The energy economy as the biggest cause of climate change.)
Energy sector and the global environmental problems (Additional environmental problems caused by the energy sector.)
Energy policy and strategies (Policies and strategies towards energy transition.)
Energy transition; self-sufficient countries and settlements (Good practices around the world.)

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