PhD schools 2014
BISS – Bertinoro International Spring School (Bertinoro, Italy)
The consortium of Italian Computer Science PhD granting institutions under the auspices of GRIN, organizes an annual school offering three graduate-level courses aimed at first-year PhD students in Computer Science. In addition to introducing students to timely research topics, the school is meant to promote acquaintance and collaboration among young European researchers. The 2014 edition of the School is the 20th in the series. The school will offer 3 courses each consisting of 13 hours of lectures:
- Big Data Analysis of Patterns in Media Content – Nello Cristianini, University of Bristol (UK)
- An Introduction to Probabilistic and Quantum Programming – Ugo Dal Lago, University of Bologna (Italy)
- Development of dynamically evolving and self-adaptive software – Carlo Ghezzi, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
The period of the school is 3-7 march. Full details are available here.
Summer School on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition for Homeland Security (Marina di Ascea, Italy)
The School “Visione delle Macchine” (Machine Vision) is organized every two years by the “Gruppo Italiano Ricercatori in Pattern Recognition” (GIRPR) affiliated to International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR). The primary objective of the School is to provide a common scientific and cultural background to PhD students, young researchers from universities, research institutions and industry on the subjects of computer vision and pattern recognition.
The period of the school is 16-20 june. Full details are available here.
BETTY Summer School (Lovran, Croatia)
Behavioural type systems go beyond data type systems in order to specify, characterize and reason about dynamic aspects of program execution. Behavioural types encompass: session types; contracts (for example in service-oriented systems); typestate; types for analysis of termination, deadlock-freedom, liveness, race-freedom and related properties; intersection types applied to behavioural properties; and other topics. Behavioural types can form a basis for both static analysis and dynamic monitoring. Recent years have seen a rapid increase in research on behavioural types, driven partly by the need to formalize and codify communication structures as computing moves from the data-processing era to the communication era, and partly by the realization that type-theoretic techniques can provide insight into the fine structure of computation.
The aim of this summer school is to provide advanced training, especially to PhD students and early-career researchers, in all aspects of the theory and practice of behavioural types.
The period of the school is june 30th – july 4th. Full details are available here.