Lug 032024

Research in Blockchain and Quantum Technologies

Dr. Ernestas Filatovas
Vilnius University, Lithuania


Blockchain and Quantum technologies are among the most groundbreaking advancements, attracting significant attention from industry, government, and academia. This talk highlights the research advances of our “Blockchain and Quantum Technologies Group” in both fields. In the first part of the talk, we introduce Blockchain technology, covering its main concepts such as decentralization, consensus protocols, transaction flow, etc. These key concepts later are summarized within a layered structure. We then present our recent research, including a systematic review and empirical analysis of blockchain simulators, a multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) framework for selecting consensus protocols, a data-driven classification of consensus protocols using machine learning, and an empirical analysis of wealth decentralization in blockchain networks. This part concludes with an introduction to our novel blockchain-based platform designed to enhance research reproducibility in machine learning. The second part of the talk shifts to Quantum Computing, beginning with an overview of the current state of this technology and its potential applications across various industries. We then highlight our recent achievements, such as the development of more efficient quantum circuits for integer division and the implementation of a quantum blockchain based on hypergraphs. The talk finishes with a presentation of our ongoing research, where we propose an improved quantum annealing method to scale vehicle routing problems.


June 20th, 10:00-12:00 (Palazzo delle Scienze, Aula Magna Matematica)

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